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Sunshine Blend Essential Oil

Sunshine Blend Essential Oil


Scientific Names: lavandula vera, Citrus sinensis, Cananga odorata 

Smells: uplifting and bright aroma with calming undertones 

Description: Our Sunshine Blend is made with therapeutic grade Sweet Orange, Bulgarian Lavender,and Ylang Ylang Essential Oils. It can be helpful when uplifting is needed or to freshen the air in your home. Try applying this product topically or diffusing it!

Topical use: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop carrier oil and apply to desired areas as needed. (Always dilute when applying to children.) Citrus oils can cause a sensitivity to light, avoiding prolonged exposure after topical use.

Aromatic: Diffuse 4-5 drops up to 1 hour 3 times daily. We recommend diffusing Essential Oils in a diffuser for a refreshing & uplifting aroma with the added benefits of cleansing the air from bacteria and viruses.